Monday, January 10, 2011

DADT Repeal Will Snow Ball

DADT repeal is the snow flake that will start the ball rolling.
After we are fully integrated into the armed services we will want the same benefits as the rest of our fighting forces. Housing and health benefits for our families.  There will be many who have children as well as legal spouses, if only in certain states, who will want and need the safety and security str8 families receive.
The federal government does not discriminate against us in some federal jobs and currently offer limited partner benefits which will make it easier to gain them as soldiers.  If we are doing the same job as others then we are entitled to the same benefits. If we are equal as soldiers then we should be equal as citizens.
ENDA could pass thru the house and senate quicker than we think because they will have to face the equality of our soldiers.  Once that is in place, DOMA will be a breeze because the courts are already on our side. They have proved that the opposition is full of lies and animus and they will just have to bite the bullet on gay marriage. As for the rest of the 300 million people in this country, they are coming around, often quicker than the law. 
I don’t care if we gain our freedom thru the courts or thru lengthy debate and filibuster to become law. Either way we will become first class citizens in our own country, maybe in my lifetime.

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