Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Todays DOMA Hearings - Some Funny Stuff !

Today was the first day of hearings on the Defence of Marriage Act (DOMA).
I am so glad the hearings are being made public because the public needs to see and hear what is going on. They did not get a chance to watch the Prop 8 trial where lots of this was already hashed out and the opposition showed their ass.

This time not many of them showed up. One had the lame excuse....

Sen. Chuck Grassley explains..."The minority very much hoped to call a witness today at this hearing to testify in support of DOMA, I’m sure she would have done an excellent job. She declined, however, citing one reason the threats and intimidation that have been leveled not only her but her friends and family as a result of her support of DOMA. She will continue to write on the issue but will no longer speak publicly."

I am sure this did not go over well for them. Could it be that she did no show up because you can't lie at a hearing? I am sure she will continue to lie to her word processor.

Al Frankin pointed out a study that was manipulated by Focus on the Family senior vice president Tim Minnery when he claims that children are better off with married straight parents.

The best moment came when  Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) got Minnery to admit that children in same-sex households (and there are a lot of them) are disadvantaged by a lack of protection for their families:

Maggie and Brian did not show up. I can't imagine they were afraid of the Big Bad Gays.
Again....You can't lie in court.
So far the only argument is based on religion and that is not a valid reason in a secular court of law.
If you are interested in Bibical marriage, check out this wonderful video by Mrs. Betty Bowers:

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